
n + n Corsino 7 mesures par seconde / KOCIS Korean Cultural Center, Bruxelles

6 October > 8 November 2023

7 mesures par seconde
choreographic navigations
by n +n Corsino

Presentation :
7 mesures par seconde is based on texts by Han Yu-joo and Claudine Galea, treated like a graphic novel in which words, images and sounds form mutual hybrids in an interactive narrative process and create the imaginary construction of gestures and body movements.

A series of choreographic sequences play on these concepts and use this motif as their basis. They will be related in a signature of movement – the movement that of the bodies and that of the writings – with the elements of the calligraphed texts in Korean and will include the development of specific technological tools.

This creation involves Korean and French artists.
Text : Han Yu-Joo,  Claudine Galea
Calligraphy : Park Mihwi
Dance : Kim Bo Ra, Kim Jae Duk
2D scenographic design : Nicolas Ballu
3D scenographic design : Patrick Zanoli
Computer graphics & development : Anaël Seghezzi
Sound design : Jacques Diennet
Photographic direction : Massimo Gardone
Choreography & concept : Nicole Corsino, Norbert Corsino

Calligraphy / Choreography
Dancers practice the art of movement in space, and this language of movement creates meaning. Calligraphy and dance are an extension of the body’s possibilities in space.
The dancers and choreographers Nicole and Norbert Corsino have always been interested in the relationships between writing and movement: firstly by taking inspiration from literature, finding the sources of their choreographies in writers, then by incorporating writing in their creations.
In going to Korea (and in Asia), their creations share the fundamentals of the art of calligraphy: one cannot separate the letter from the drawing, the word from the image, the body from the mind, or the material from the spiritual.
Dancers and texts merge, drawing new bodies and unprecedented navigations in the space of the image.

From the first movement of the hand that writes a character or sign to the most recent technologies that clone bodies and make them execute unprecedented movements in spaces that are also entirely virtual, it is not a matter of establishing a hierarchical order, but rather convening humanity in its essential quest : beauty, harmony and wisdom, which are not opposites of newness, discovery and progress, but complementary to them.

The movement forms a sign, the sign moves our eyes, our eyes and viewpoint start to move and what we see moves us (and creates e-motion in us), our mind starts to move, and our imagination precedes or extends what is generated by the body – our body or the body we are watching. In the hybridization of forms and body movements, a dance is invented in language and vice versa.

Claudine Galea